Friday, August 31, 2012

Hello Mr. Trotter

Today we had a visitor, Mr. Trotter. He was working at the Fire station today and decided to drop by to meet the new kindergarten class. As a treat he read to the class one of our faviorite books, Pete the Cat. All of the kindergartners were excited to meet him!

We are pirates, and we love school!

We have completed our first week of Kindergarten! WHOOP!! This week we focused on the structure within our school. We took many tours of the building, meet many new faces, and talked about the school rules. One book we read was, Pirates go to School. It is a book about how to behave in school. After we read the book we made a cute craft out of pirates.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten!

WOW! Meet the teacher night was wonderful. I meet 17 out of 22 of my new students. This is going to be a great year. All of the parents and students were so excited when they arrived, and ready to boogie for the new year. Thank you to all the parents who brought their students supplies this past Thursday.

Make sure on Sunday night you put your little kindergarten star to bed no later than 8pm. It is going to be a hectic day on Monday filled with lots of emotions, and many new experiences. I will be posting pictures of what we will be doing in the classroom.

Thank you, again! :)