Monday, April 22, 2013

Dallas Zoo Friends

Last week we were honored with a visit from some special friends. The Dallas Zoo presented us with some of their furry (and scaly) friends at the Zoo. We saw an owl, alligator, parrot, snake, a penguin, and even a slot. The 2-toed sloth was my personal favorite. Did you know they spend most of their lives upside down? They even give birth in that position!! WOW.

Welcome Baby Kennedy

As you may already know I was expecting my first child the beginning of the year this year. Baby Kennedy was due on January 9 but decided to make a week early appearance on January 2. She arrived at 7:20am at 8lbs 3ounces and 21 inches long. We are so blessed!

Everyone is healthy and doing well. I plan on returning on March 18.

Estimation Stations

We studied Estimation in math. All our little friends now know that estimation means a smart math guess. Everyone had a small cup, and filled it with a separate item (unifix cubes, counting bears, pom-poms). After we filled it we estimated how many items were in their cup. It was a great time. Everyone enjoyed guessing and filling the cup back up over and over again. It even became a game for some.