Sunday, April 27, 2014

Earth Day, Allison Inches

In addition to Earth Day this week we also celebrated by reading a few books by Allison Inches. After we careered a few bubble maps, and then a flow map. 
Because the kids loved the books so much I reached out to the author. She is so sweet, and wrote me back this amazing email. WOW!! I can't wait to read more of her books.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Earth Day

Today we learned about earth day. My good friend Destiny gave my this great idea to create a tree map about ways we can help save our Earth. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Animal Coverings

We read the book, "What if you had Animal Hair?!" In class. After we read the book we brainstormed ideas about different types of animal coverings that were very distinct. After we drew a picture of an animal. 


This week we received our ladybugs. The kids get extra excited when we get ladybugs. We are studying their life cycle, and parts of a ladybug. As a class we made a brace map of a ladybug.They wrote about a ladybug parts and did an awesome job.
After the kids created a flow map of the ladybug life cycle. Once they were done they used comparative language and partner talk to share the life cycle process. They also labeled stage of the life cycle. The kids had a fun time creating each stage. 

Doubles Math Facts

In math we are focusing on doubles math facts. We made this awesome bridge map describing doubles. As we created the map each student constructed their model of doubles with snap cubes. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

We are studying life cycles in science right now. Today we read a great book about the Monarch butterfly life cycle. After we constructed this thinking map. Each student helped creating a special part of our thinking map. After they wrote beautiful sentences about the butterfly life cycle. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Half and Whole

In math we learned about two equal parts. I found this adorable idea from Pinterest. We talked a lot about what two equal parts look like when divided by two. Each student made a cookie, and then divided it in two. They wrote about who they would share their cookie with in class.